I suck. I know. I am horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE. I have been absent for nearly two weeks. There have been a few things to cause this, most of which is house hunting and packing. House hunting sucks. I used to think that would be fun to look at houses, I was so wrong. In a few weeks time, we have looked at roughly 16 houses. We have loved 4. By the time we stepped foot in the house, they already had several applications on it (we are renting, not buying—which means we get to do this again in a few years when we are buying. JOY.) We even got to be the first people to view a house within hours of it being “on the market”, but it already had four applications on it before we got ours in the next morning…FOUR. We kept getting passed over since we had to put in a 30 day notice for our apartment, and apparently, that’s too long of a wait for someone to move in. To remedy that problem, we put in our notice for our apartment. Our realtor told us it would be no problem finding a house we like...
It’s finally summertime! That means time for warmer weather and sweatier locks! This is the perfect time to talk about one lifesaving hair product, Dry Shampoo. Dry shampoo is a lifesaver, the one beauty product I could never live without – EVER. That’s right ladies, I would choose dry shampoo over mascara or lipstick! Dirty hair is a big no-no, at least in my book. Because of the hair genes my daddy-o passed on, I have fine, blonde, oily hair. Shampooing daily is obviously pretty time consuming and has a tendency to strip your hair of the natural oils. When that happens, your scalp tends to over compensate causing more oil production, which is not the best thing for us oily haired gals and guys! While daily shampooing might be the right choice for some, its not the answer for me. I found giving a few days between shampooing (using dry shampoo between) has really helped a few things: My hair has adjusted to the oil. I can go 3 days, sometimes 4 without having to shampoo my hair (...